This post is an installment of our profile series featuring participants, loved ones, advocates, and team members of the MBCproject. Thank you to all who have shared their voice and stories.
Today's profile features Amy Towne.
A little over two years ago I was diagnosed with Stage 4 de novo breast cancer. My first oncologist treated me with what I perceived as pity as she broke the news to me and my family, patting me on the shoulder and talking about quality of life. Instead of feeling comforted, I felt angry and motivated. I was 38 years old. I had a good marriage, two young children, and a thriving career. In short, I had everything to live for. After that first experience, I vowed to do whatever I could do to educate myself about and support research for MBC patients. Like all MBC patients, I want to see a cure to this disease in my lifetime.